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Transform Your Space with High-Quality VCT Tile: Elevate Style and Durability!

VCT tile or vinyl composite tiles are referred to as an exclusive flooring solution, serving as a durable option for the targeted audience in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all across UAE. VCT tile installation is popularly known to take place in buildings, schools, hospitals, and other premises. VCT tile Dubai are different from the average vinyl tile due to the composition which helps the solution having higher levels of vinyl filers. 

Benefits of VCT tile installation

  • Enhances appearance and longevity : Since durability and longevity are two major factors into consideration, vct tiles in Dubai gets high in demand as are prone to handle the abuse, letting itself to stand up greatly for the daily utilization. At, our sturdy construction and long-lasting attractiveness make this flooring solution a preferred choice of the majority.
  • Easier maintenance : To ensure the longevity, our experts suggest maintaining the flooring solution properly so that they last longer time than expected. Although it is true that the development of scratches do take place with the passage of time, the protective wax coating, stripping, as well as buffing by the experts at can do so.
  • The making : The production of VCT floor covers number of wax layers that creates a wear coat subject to scratches, scrubbing as well as rough treatment of the heavy traffic. This happens only when the layer of wax begins to deteriorate. At such a time, re-waxing the floor then offers a superficial look, helping it out last longer. The use of high-quality material along with the refinished floor is what can assist in grabbing a beautiful outlook of the area.
  • Affordability : Besides the stability and strength, VCT tiles comprises the type of flooring material that is easy to afford. Being made available in distinctive colors, designs, and styles, these serves perfect even with the price. At, our experts offer self-leveling at no cost, covering the imperfection of the flooring surface.
VCT Flooring
VCT Flooring


Being offering the two basic types of vinyl for vct tiles in Dubai, our experts at is serving as the supplier of classic flooring solutions for factories, industries, homes, etc. The versatility of patterns and designs along with the least cracks to take place makes the flooring a naturally antibacterial one. Its’ anti-slippery feature is what helps one in avoiding the damages and injuries to take place. The addition of composition within the flooring solution makes it a noise free flooring. Want to avail our top-rated quality services? Our representatives are just at a distance of a phone call. So no matter if you need a sample of the product or want to exchange ideas to choose the best, ring us to get the correct measurement of the area of installment. Our doorstep delivery along with free of cost installation gives us preference over the others. 


Q: What is VCT tile?

A: VCT stands for Vinyl Composition Tile. It’s a type of resilient flooring made from a mixture of vinyl, mineral fillers, and color pigments, formed into tiles.

Q: Where can VCT tile be installed?

A: VCT tile is versatile and can be installed in various commercial and residential settings, including schools, hospitals, retail spaces, and kitchens.

Q: What are the benefits of VCT tile?

A: VCT tile is durable, affordable, easy to maintain, and comes in a wide range of colors and patterns. It also provides good resistance to stains, scratches, and moisture.

Q: How do I clean and maintain VCT tile?

A: Regular sweeping and damp mopping with a neutral pH cleaner are usually sufficient to keep VCT tile clean. Periodic buffing and waxing can help restore shine and protect the surface.

Q: Can VCT tile be repaired if damaged?

A: Yes, damaged VCT tiles can often be replaced individually without needing to replace the entire floor. It’s important to keep some spare tiles from the original installation for this purpose.

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