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Transform Your Space with Expert Floor Polishing Services: Revitalize Your Floors Today!

Floor polishing is smoothing and shining a floor surface using specialized equipment and abrasive materials. The process is applied to various floors, including concrete, marble, granite, and terrazzo. The goal of floor polishing is to remove scratches, stains, and other imperfections and to create a smooth, glossy surface that is easy to clean and maintain.

There are different floor polishing methods, depending on the type of floor and the desired finish. For example, concrete floors can be polished using a combination of diamond abrasives and a polishing machine. 

Marble and granite floors, on the other hand, are typically polished using diamond abrasives and a specialized polishing powder. Terrazzo floors can be polished using a combination of diamond abrasives and a polishing machine.

Professional flooring contractors typically do floor polishing with the experience and equipment necessary to achieve the desired results. The process can take several days, depending on the size of the floor and the type of finish desired.

It is important to note that floor polishing can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the end result is a durable and visually appealing floor.

How Floor Polishing is Carried Out?

Floor polishing is typically done using a floor buffer or floor polisher, equipped with a spinning disc holding a polishing pad. The pad is usually durable, such as diamond, resin, or felt. The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Clean the Floor : You can start by sweeping or vacuuming the floor to remove any debris or dirt. Maintaining a clean floor is essential to ensure floor polishing.
  • Repair any Damages : If there are any chips or cracks in the floor, it’s essential to repair them before polishing.
  • Apply a Coarse Diamond Pad : Begin by using a coarse diamond pad to grind down the floor surface. It will remove any scratches or stains.
  • Apply a Medium Diamond Pad : Next, switch to a medium diamond pad to further smooth the surface.
  • Apply a Fine Diamond Pad : Finally, a fine diamond pad gives the floor a high-gloss shine.
  • Buff the Floor : After polishing, buff the floor with a soft cloth or buffing pad to remove any remaining debris.
  • Apply a Sealer : A sealer is applied on the surface to protect the floor and keep it looking shiny.

It’s also important to use the correct type of pad and polishing solution .



The cost of floor polishing can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the area to be polished, the type of flooring, and the condition of the flooring. Professional floor polishing can cost between $2 and $4 per square foot. 

However, this cost can be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances. Getting a quote from a professional flooring contractor in your area is best to get an accurate estimate.


It is generally recommended to hire professionals for floor polishing. They have the experience, equipment, and expertise to polish and maintain your floors properly. Additionally, professional floor polishers have access to specialized products and equipment that can be difficult or expensive for homeowners to purchase or rent.

Hiring professionals also ensure they will do the job efficiently and effectively and that the flooring will be left in good condition. Additionally, professional flooring contractors will have insurance and licenses to protect you from any potential damage or accidents during the polishing process.

However, if you have experience with floor polishing and have the equipment and products necessary, you may be able to do the job yourself. But it’s always recommended to consult with professionals to ensure that you are using the right products, techniques and methods not to damage your flooring.

Choose Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl Flooring has an extensive collection of flooring options. To make your space versatile and appealing, you can consider floor polishing services in residential and commercial spaces. If you are looking for good flooring options in Dubai, visit our official website or contact us.


What types of floors can be polished?

Most types of hard flooring can be polished, including marble, granite, terrazzo, concrete, and wood.

What equipment is needed for floor polishing?

A floor buffer or polisher, diamond polishing pads, and various chemicals are typically used for floor polishing.

Can I polish my floor myself?

It is possible to polish a floor yourself with the right equipment and knowledge, but it can be time-consuming and difficult. It is often best to hire a professional floor polisher is often best for the best results.

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